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CJN Publications

The Child Justice Network produces publications based on the needs of the members and the child justice sector.

Summary of the Concluding Observations (COBs)


This Summary was produced together with the Child Rights Coalition Cambodia as a functional overview of the diversity of recommendations provided by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in its Concluding Observations released in June 2022, following the dialogue with the Cambodian delegation on 5-6 May 2022 in the Committee’s 90th Session.

2022-2027 Roadmap for Civil Society Follow-up on the CRC COBs in Cambodia


The CJN supported the Child Rights Coalition Cambodia to produce this roadmap in order to effectively coordinate the civil society follow-up efforts on the COBs. It comprises of four main pillars divided into coordination of the civil society, collaboration with the government, dissemination and awareness-raising, and child participation.

Child Justice Summary Sheet


This Summary Sheet synthesizes the concerns and recommendations in relation to the child justice system and access to justice for children as raised by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Child-Friendly Version


The CJN supported the Child Rights Coalition Cambodia and the Child and Youth-Led Networks to produce this child-friendly version of the COBs, in partnership with children in Cambodia. It summarizes the main recommendations in simple terms with illustrations contextualized to Cambodia.

Publications related to CRC Concluding Observations for Cambodia
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